Sunday, April 23, 2006

I am using my mp3 player for my ads.
For my 1st ad I want to take a picture of the player straight up at eye level. My final ad I want to make the player look like it's spinning in one place and the tagline will be "Not Round and Round" as a pun on the ipod. I personally bought my mp3 player opposed to an ipod because the scroll button just needs to be either tapped up or down as opposed to having to move your thumb around in circles like the ipod. I find the ipod method very annoying and so I decided to exploit that. I figure this quality would appeal to people who think like myself.
For my second ad I want to use the same picture I did for the first ad and make the page layout seem like the front of my mp3 player itself. I want to put the player on the page sideways about 3/4 up the page, and use the text in places that the actual player has text imprinted on it.
My tagline will be "Face the Music"
I hope that both ads will be clean white with very little shadows on the image. I also want them both to be well balanced and centered.


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